


technologies, health-preserving technologies, physical culture, sports, higher education students, the sphere of physical culture and sports


Introduction. The issue of health care in the conditions of health care is extremely urgent. Its expediency is determined by the state of health of student youth, their lifestyle. There is a need to apply modern health-saving technologies not only in higher education, but also in the field of physical education and sports. Trainers and specialists in physical culture and sports should be able to use technologies that will ensure the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of the younger generation.

Materials and methods: the research used methods of analysis and generalization of scientific literature, surveys and questionnaires, modeling.

The purpose of the work is to reveal the essence and content of the concept of "health- preserving technologies", scientific substantiation of the importance of the use of health-preserving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports; determination of criteria, indicators and levels of

formation of the ability to apply modern health-saving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports.

Results: it consists in the fact that the stages of the process of forming the ability to apply modern health-saving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports have been characterized for the first time; the criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the ability to apply modern health- saving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports are defined and characterized; the essence and content of the concept of "health-saving technologies" have been clarified.

Conclusions. Health-preserving technologies are interpreted as a system of health-physical activities and methodical techniques that ensure the formation, strengthening and preservation of the health of students and direct the educational process to the formation of health-preserving and health- developing competencies, healthy lifestyle skills and appropriate culture in them health. The process of forming the ability of students of higher education to apply health-preserving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports is consistent and continuous, in which three stages are distinguished: initial, basic and sequential. The criteria, their indicators and the level of formation of the ability to apply modern health-saving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports have been determined.

Author Biography

Tetiana Hulko, National University Yuriy Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic

Introduction. The issue of health care in the conditions of health care is extremely urgent. Its expediency is determined by the state of health of student youth, their lifestyle. There is a need to apply modern health-saving technologies not only in higher education, but also in the field of physical education and sports. Trainers and specialists in physical culture and sports should be able to use technologies that will ensure the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of the younger generation.

Materials and methods: the research used methods of analysis and generalization of scientific literature, surveys and questionnaires, modeling.

The purpose of the work is to reveal the essence and content of the concept of "health- preserving technologies", scientific substantiation of the importance of the use of health-preserving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports; determination of criteria, indicators and levels of

formation of the ability to apply modern health-saving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports.

Results: it consists in the fact that the stages of the process of forming the ability to apply modern health-saving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports have been characterized for the first time; the criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the ability to apply modern health- saving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports are defined and characterized; the essence and content of the concept of "health-saving technologies" have been clarified.

Conclusions. Health-preserving technologies are interpreted as a system of health-physical activities and methodical techniques that ensure the formation, strengthening and preservation of the health of students and direct the educational process to the formation of health-preserving and health- developing competencies, healthy lifestyle skills and appropriate culture in them health. The process of forming the ability of students of higher education to apply health-preserving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports is consistent and continuous, in which three stages are distinguished: initial, basic and sequential. The criteria, their indicators and the level of formation of the ability to apply modern health-saving technologies in the field of physical culture and sports have been determined


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Rybalko L. & Topuzov O., Velychko L. (2020). Natural science education concept for sustainable development. The Internation Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2020), Kryvyi Rig, Ukraine, Edited by Semerikov, S. E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 166. 2020, id 10030.

Samodryn A. & Rybalko L., Lavrentieva O., Zukow W., Sarılgan Ali E. (2021). The region as an object of projecting of neo-spheric existence in the depth of anthroposphere [Electronic resource]. Second International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2021). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 19-21, 2021. E3S Web of Conferences. 2021. 280-297.



