



personal physical culture, schoolchildren, teachers, structure


Introduction. The article presents the results of a sociological survey of teachers regarding the possibilities of forming personal physical culture of students by the means and organizational forms of physical education, and the degree of understanding of the structural components of personal physical culture is determined.

The purpose of the study is to determine the teachers’ attitude to the problem of formation of students` personal physical culture.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical experiment; sociological methods, methods of mathematical statistics.

The results of the study show that more than half of the teachers (69.2%) have an idea of the content of the reforms that are taking place in education and, in particular, affected the field of physical education, and are also familiar with the "New Ukrainian School" standard (79.5%). Only 52.6% of respondents believe that the standard of secondary education in the field of physical education is capable of contributing to solving tasks related to the personal development of adolescents, but almost all teachers (98.7%) indicate that the process of physical education affects the personal development of schoolchildren. At the same time, it was determined that almost all teachers consider the physical component (97.4%) and psychophysical properties (89.7%) to be the main components of personal physical culture. A much smaller part of the respondents attribute to the structure of individual physical culture also the social and spiritual component, mental properties, direction of activity, cognitive sphere, character and temperament, abilities. In addition, respondents attach varying degrees of importance to the use of organizational forms of physical education, in particular, they see an insufficient role in the formation of personal physical culture in family physical education (57.7%) and independent physical exercises (51.2%). This gives grounds for developing the structure and content of the specified forms of physical education with the aim of forming the personal physical culture of school-aged students.

Conclusions. The conducted survey of teachers demonstrated common opinions regarding the possibilities of the physical education field in the formation of the physical culture of the student's personality. However, there are certain differences in the definition of the components of personal physical culture, its complex nature and impact on the physical, mental, social, spiritual and value spheres of the student's development are not fully taken into account.

Author Biography

Dmytro Moskalenko, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Postgraduate, the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports, Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav



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