


sport, tourism, competition, hiking, obstacles, refereeing, training


Introduction. Sports tourism in Ukraine continues to develop, transforming and adapting to the conditions of the social environment. Such a feature of sports tourism as a social and mass character becomes irrelevant, since state financial support is practically absent, in particular in the field of children's and youth tourism. This situation is caused by a number of factors of both objective and subjective nature. System of social and sports training of tourists needs new, more optimal approaches and solutions despite.

The purpose of the research is to develop organizational and methodological recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of teaching technical and tactical techniques in overcoming natural obstacles (stages); raising the level of training of athletes and judges during sports hiking tourism competitions.

The research methods involved the analysis, generalization and systematization of data on increasing the effectiveness of teaching technical and tactical techniques in overcoming natural obstacles (stages) during tourist trips (competitions). The following list of modern methods was used: analysis of scientific and methodical sources; study and generalization of best practices; system method and structural-functional analysis.

The results. The training of a tourist includes the use of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for sports tourism and development in this sport. In essence, this is the process of increasing the level of competence of athletes, their readiness to organize and conduct various health and sports tourism events, starting with health trips and educational competitions, ending with sports tourist hikes and competitions in the technique of sports tourism (in this case, in the technique of hiking tourism).

The article examines the topic of practical tourist and sports training of participants in tourist competitions and hikes, analyzes the scientific and methodological literature on the organization and conduct of such events; methodical instructions were given to optimize the educational and training process of tourists and to master technical and tactical methods of safely overcoming natural obstacles; the practical recommendations developed by us for overcoming the technical stage "Rope crossing with railings across a river, ravine" were considered to improve the level of training of athletes and the organization of judging during competitions in the technique of hiking tourism at the distances «Obstacle course» and «Cross-country hiking», in accordance with the new edition of the Rules for conducting sports tourism competitions, approved by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2021, and the updated Technical Regulations for conducting competitions in hiking tourism, approved by the Sports Tourism Federation.

Conclusions. Our proposed method of overcoming and judging the stage «Rope crossing with railings across a river, ravine» allows to optimize the training process of athletes and judges during sports tourism competitions and helps to overcome natural obstacles on tourist routes more safely.

Author Biographies

Ihor Palatny, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor of the Department of Sports Disciplines and Tourism, Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Oksana Palatna, Pereiaslav Station of young tourists

Head of the Pereiaslav Station of young tourists Pereiaslav


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