
  • Taras Kyrychenko Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
  • Andrii Pivovar Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav




athleticism, body fitness, training programs, physical activity, muscle groups, sports results


Introduction. Currently, the popularity of power sports is growing quite actively. The leading places are occupied by weightlifting, kettlebell sports, powerlifting, bodybuilding, strongman, and athleticism and body fitness are gaining popularity. Each of these types has its own specific training and competitive activities, which leads to various morphological and functional changes in athletes' bodies. The training process takes place in stages and has its own characteristics in the basic, formative and transitional periods, which are successive stages of the process of managing sports form.

The aim of the study: to determine and analyze the peculiarities of building training programs in athletics and body fitness.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological sources, methods of abstraction, generalization, advanced coaching experience, Internet resources.

Research results. The main factor on the basis of which sports training is planned is an increase in strength indicators and muscle mass. Before starting the preparation of the annual training plan for athletics and body fitness, the individual characteristics of athletes, weight and growth indicators, the level of development of motor qualities and technical skills, growth rates of strength indicators and muscle mass, etc. are determined. The main indicators of annual planning are the amount of load and its intensity. In addition, in athletics and body fitness, they plan the number of training days and classes, the number of barbell lifts by exercise group, the amount of physical activity, the main means of restoring the body, and the timing of medical examinations.

Conclusions. The construction of training programs in athletics and body fitness is carried out through the use of a wide range of strength exercises, which are divided by the direction of action on different muscle groups. In the first case, these are basic exercises for the preferential development of large muscle groups, in the second case, they are formative exercises.

For body fitness classes, aerobic exercises (treadmills, rowing machine, exercise bike, etc.) should be included in training programs



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